T +31 6 25157463 | E edwin@battlefielddiscovery.nl

Battle of the Bulge – Advance and destruction of Kampfgruppe Peiper

//Battle of the Bulge – Advance and destruction of Kampfgruppe Peiper

Battle of the Bulge – Advance and destruction of Kampfgruppe Peiper


This tour follows the path taken by Kampfgruppe Peiper and takes you through the places where she was stopped and blocked, sometimes by quickly assembled American occasional units. See the various places where this battle group killed prisoners of war and civilians, of which the Malmedy Massacre is the most notorious.

Note: Battlefield Discovery explicitly does not support, glorify and / or justify the Nazi ideology, nor the actions carried out in the name of this ideology! The aim of this tour is to tell the story of an important part of the Battle of the Bulge.

Lanzerath, Honsfeld, Baugnez, Stavelot, Habiemont, Cheneux, Stoumont, La Gleize

: ✓ Private guide ✓ Tailored itinerary ✓ Tour booklet


Private tour - full day
  • Please specify the details of your group here. 

  • *Please inform us of any mobility restrictions.

SKU: 1302 Category: Tag:


Just before daybreak on December 16, 1944, the German army opened its last offensive in the west. Operation Wacht am Rhein started with a huge artillery barrage. Shortly afterwards, the German divisions stormed forward and attacked the thinly occupied American lines. The aim was the reconquest of Antwerp, thus splitting the Allied armies into two halves and thus achieving a decisive victory in the west.The main attack by the Germans was carried out by the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler. From these ranks Kampfgruppe Peiper (named after their commander Standartenführer Joachim Peiper) would lead the attack. Limited to narrow roads that were slippery and often poorly maintained and faced with many blown bridges, the Kampfgruppe slowly crept west. But just west of La Gleize, the attack eventually stalled and Peiper was surrounded and forced to take up an all-round defensive position. A few days later, the remnants of the Kanmpsgruppe escaped on foot to the German lines at night.

Additional information


Battle of the Bulge


Belgium, Germany

Type of tour

Private tour

Manner of transportation

Car or minibus, Coach bus


To be confirmed

Location start point

To be confirmed

Start time

09:00 hours


1 day


Private guide, Tour booklet