Coronavirus and Battlefield Discovery
Covid-19 affects us all. Now the lockdown gradually is being lifted and we can conduct tours and give lectures again albeit within certain restrictions still applying, you may be interested in how Battlefield Discovery deals with this subject. It is beyond doubt that we plan to deliver all our tours and other services in the safest and most responsible way we can. That is why we have a health and safety protocol in place during our durings and lectures, as well as taking neccessary steps prior to a tour or lecture to ensure health and safety.
Please find the information of interest below.
Is Battlefield Discovery conducting tours again?
Yes, we are! Each tour will be conducted within the possibilities and limitations of the country and/or region in question. Also, Battlefield Discovery adheres to its own health and safety protocol to ensure a healthy tour.
Are things back to business-as-usuals on tours?
No, they are most certainly not. In all countries and regions we give tours, national and/or local restrictions still apply. This means that, amongst other things, all our tours and other services are subject to national and local regulations and that both guide and guests have to adhere to our health and safety protocol during a tour or lecture. It also means that, given current restrictions in number of passengers allowed on commercial coach buses, we cannot conduct coach tours at current. Walking/hiking tours and bike tours are not a problem. And for those tours where distances require motorised transport, the guide and the guests use their own (seperate) cars.
Which health and safety measures does Battlefield Discovery have in place during a tour?
We have several measures in place, most of which are common to all business services and people meeting in general. We prefer payment by electronic bank transfer prior to the tour as opposed to payent in cash on the tour day. On the tour day before departure, the guide will ask you some questions regarding possible symptoms you might have, recent contact with corana patients, etcetera. We have hand sanitiser available for guide and guest and require them to clean their hands with this sanitiser prior to the tour as well as on specific moments during the tour. And we keep our distance to each other, of course. In most European countries that will be 1.5 metres, but other distance requirements may apply. Facial masks are not required, though guests can wear these during the tour should that make them feel more comfortable as an extra safety measure.
A visit to a local museum is not possible without reservation in advance. We will have to make reservations well in advance before the tour to be able to obtain access to any museum. Under current rules and regulations a reservation will always be at a certain time during the day. The tour will also have be organised around this.
Do you take any health and safety measures prior to the tour?
Yes, we do. As mentioned above, we prefer payment per bank transfer prior to the tour instead of cash on the tour date. A couple of days prior to the tour, you will also receive our health questionaire to check if there are any impedements for you to attend the tour. In the background we also keep close watch to the overall corona situation and possible changes in government or local corona-policies. Should something change that affects the tour, we will react to that immediately and inform you as soon as possible. Lastly, we also make sure that we do not plan guides to do tours if they show symptoms.
What happens if I book a tour and the corona situation changes?
As the corona crisis has not come to an end yet and the situation may change locally, nationally or internationally, the possibility to do a tour may also change prior to or during a tour. We are very much aware of this possibilty. Therefore, we keep close watch on the corona situation and should it appear that a tour has to discontinue entirely or partially, we will inform you as soon as possible. If possible, Battlefield Discovery will restructure the itinerary in such a way that we can do the tour within applicable rules and regulations. However, if this is not possible and in rescheduling the tour is also not a realistic option, the tour will be cancelled.
Do I get a full refund if a tour is cancelled due to corona?
In case of cancellation our regular terms and conditions apply. There are two possible situations: either the client cancels himself, or Battlefield Discovery cancels the tour. In case the client cancels, it depends on when we recieved your cancellation notice how mich money is reimbursed. If your cancellation is due to national policies or restrictions which definitely prevent you from attending the tour, you may count on a lenient decision from us. In case Battlefield Discovery cancels a tour you always get a full refund.
I have a corona-and-tours related question which is not answered buy any of the above. Where can I send my question to?
It is always difficult to anticipate all possible questions, but we strive to give you the best and most complete possible information. Simply send your question via email to and we will answer your question(s) as soons as possible.